Wednesday 14 October 2009


This week, we learned SLEPT of environmental scanning. Our group asked to focus on technological factor. My task is about VOIP technological. VOIP is stand for Voice over Internet Protocol. It is a general term for a family of transmission technologies for delivery of voice communications over IP networks such as the Internet or other packet-switched networks. The basic steps involved in originating an Internet telephone call are conversion of the analog voice signal to digital format and compression/translation of the signal into Internet protocol (IP) packets for transmission over the Internet. This technological has already used by E-business. It has lots of benefits:
1. Bandwidth efficiency(As long as you have access to a broadband connection, you can use your VoIP system anywhere, such as in a hotel room or at a friend's home),
2. VOIP runs both voice and data communications over a single network, which can significantly reduce infrastructure costs.
3. The prices of extensions on Voip are low, easy to configure and troubleshoot.
4. VOIP service makes your phone system highly flexible

1 comment:

  1. wow this is interesting! It seems that maybe WOU can make use of VOIP to communicate with suppliers in Uruguay and customers who want expert opinion?
