Sunday 8 November 2009

Wine Making Process Redesign

This week we conducted an initial research on how to improve the process of wine making with ICT. During the last lecture we learnt that it is crucial to be able to add value to an existing process of an organization by improving certain key procedures of it with ICT, or totally redesign it. However, another fact of great importance is that we should be aware of attributes of the process such as variety and volume of the referenced product, in order to alter it until a certain level to improve its efficiency and consequently the general functionality of the organization. Taking these under consideration, we came up with the uploaded diagrams as a first draft view of improving wine making processes in general and how a business like WOU can contribute to the process, in order to increase its value by providing important customer information.

From the first diagram we quickly identified that this process is highly standardized, but could benefit (create more value) from some environment feedback and therefore be altered to this direction. So, we thought of replacing the procedure of choosing to make red or white wine with a sophisticated and functional inspection tool. This tool will be able to keep track with internal data and communicate with other internal systems like for example the stock database, but also communicate with a database/knowledge base that will be systematically updated with environmental changes. These changes can be for example a sudden fall in the demand for red wine from the UK wine consumers, or a recent trend to a specific type of wine. The system will automatically adapt to these conditions and provide procedures that follow, with the right inputs. For example, the desteming procedure will know automatically the quantity of red wine that should be produced, regarding the market demand, the available stock, the amount and type of the grapes harvested etc.. Furthermore, this agent will align all phases of the process, in order to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the whole procedure (e.g. after calculating automatically the amount of white/red wine produced, inform stages like bottling for the amount of bottles required).

To sum up, we considered that a procedure like this could be altered in a way that its standardization would not be affected (wine making procedure, bottling to labeling) and really add value to the whole business structure by improving key issues of success like speed (automation), cost (less personnel units) and customizability (up to date with environment and mainly customers).

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